Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Who are you?

The rock group The Who famously asked this question with a hit song when I was young and CSI now uses that song as their theme every Thursday night. It got me thinking recently.

The simple answer would be, to quote the esteemed sailor Popeye, “I yam what I yam.” But that seems a little too simple. I can’t really be defined by my job as I’ve had so many positions in extremely different fields; grocery bagger, student, equipment manager, insurance salesman, billing clerk, mortgage loan officer, entrepreneur, pizza deliverer, pressbox food server, accountant. I think a more thorough examination is in order. So, here goes


If you are a proponent of the Acorn Doesn’t Fall Far From The Oak school of thought you’ll probably be comforted by the following. Like dad I’ve never had a problem talking in front of groups of people. I probably haven’t had anything as interesting to say as he did, but I feel comfortable just spit-ballin’ in front of a group nonetheless. Also, like my father, I can be a bit of a smart-ass, often saying or doing things just to get a rise out of people. These actions are typically followed by a smirk, and a bit of a laugh by both me and dad. Disproving the Acorn > Oak theory however is the fact that dad was an ordained minister. Me? I think theology is a personal matter that one develops as they grow and age. I’d never attempt to influence anyone’s personal religious beliefs, of course unless I wanted to stir up some shit, to get a reaction. So that theory does not adequately describe who I am.

In addition to being my father’s son I am also a Libra. Many who have taken courses with me at the UofM are aware of this fact. You know that first night of class when you all have to introduce yourselves? Typically after listening to people struggle with this dreaded task I would stand up and tell the class, “Hi. My name is Todd, I’m a Libra who likes long walks on the beach… yada, yada, yada.” (See, I told you I was a bit of a smart-ass) This intro usually got a laugh and lightened the mood. But I digress.

Libras “have elegance, charm and good taste, are naturally kind, very gentle, and lovers of beauty, harmony (both in music and social living) and the pleasures that these bring.” (http://www.astrology-online.com/libra.htm) I like to think I dress with a bit of flair, but Elegance? Not quite. I like to think I’m charming as I’ve been able to stay together with my lovely and talented bride for 30 years. Good taste? A subjective measure, but yeah, I think it fits. Kind and Gentle? Yes, but don’t piss me off because if you do we’ll go ‘round and ‘round. I do really love Beauty and Harmony. Although not musically inclined I do appreciate the beauty of many kinds of music AND the magnificent vistas of State and National Parks, bike trails, and the grandeur of just about every place I’ve ever found myself situated. As far as Harmony, don’t get me started. No one avoids confrontation any more than I do. The scales of justice as my zodiacal symbol are a perfect fit for me. Everyone on even footing is my ideal. But, “Libras have good perception and observation and their critical ability, with which they are able to view their own efforts as well as those of others, gives their work integrity.” does NOT describe me very well so perhaps my astrological sign is not a good way to describe me.

A thorough inquiry has to include the Chinese zodiac as well. I was born in the year of the Pig. “Pigs seek peace and will do what is necessary to maintain it. They enjoy opportunities that allow them to express their creativity. They enjoy what they have, especially their home and family. Once they find the right partner, they’re typically committed for the long-term.” (http://www.chinesezodiac.com/index.php) I think those Pig attributes fit me pretty well as I avoid confrontation, have been told I am good at creative endeavors, and I cherish time spent with family. Also, in a time when 50% of marriages are said to end in divorce I am the exception and am happy as a (Chinese?) Pig in slop staying wed to my lovely and talented bride.

However, “Pigs are always doing for others, helping anyway they can, but rarely will they ask others for help. Pigs are detail-oriented.” My ineptitude with technology has me CONSTANTLY asking for help and I am more of a ‘Big Idea’ guy preferring to let others sweat the details, so maybe the Chinese zodiac is not the best tool to use to describe me either.

I am a member of the Bear Clan of the Ho-Chunk Nation (http://www.mpm.edu/wirp/icw-52.html). Ho-Chunks have been known to be long-winded storytellers and I fit that bill fairly well. The Bear Clan is known for being the ones to uphold rules and procedures. Despite my constant reminders to my kids that, “I’m a stickler, a stickler for the rules” they’ve seen through that ruse for years. So there appears to be nothing substantial in my Native American heritage to describe me well either.

I am a lastborn, yep, the baby of my family. (http://www.birthorderandpersonality.com/). Last Borns are Idealists, have a good sense of humor, and are hardworking, which I think are traits that I possess. Suggested careers for last borns are sales, or something that would allow me to work alone. I don’t enjoy sales and really would be lonely working alone, so this theory doesn’t describe to well either.

So I guess maybe Popeye was onto something. But, I’d like to combine his “I yam what I yam,” theory with a line from Ulysses by Lord Alfred Tennyson, “I am a part of all that I have met.” To me that combination says, “What you see is what you get,” and if you’ve known and interacted with me you’ve helped to make me who I am today. I only hope that I’ve also contributed (for the better) to who you are today as well.

Who knew?

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