Friday, March 11, 2011

What the?

What the heck am I doing writing a blog? I thought those were only for Gen Xers and self-absorbed people. Think again.................................

While I probably should be writing my graduate thesis rather than a blog, I thought that maybe writing this blog of tall tales, random memories, crazy theories, and twisted observations, may be a good way to get my writing mojo back and have some fun at the same time. (I still have 5 years to get the grad thing done after all)

I start writing tonight motivated by a couple of things.

My dad relayed to me, shortly after his retirement, that he had been told that the best time to write ones memoirs is shortly after retirement while the memories remain and you have the time since you are now retired. I had a co-worker retire this week and I was envious. I'd like the luxury, like my retired brother-in-law describes it, as waking up and having EVERY day be like a Saturday. Think of that; springing out of bed every day and having ONLY your own agenda to meet. How awesome would that be?

Dad is turning 80 in 2 days so we are assembling for a humble gathering at his request on his birthday. This huge milestone got me to thinking about legacies and such. After I've shuffled off of this mortal coil what will be left? Family, friends, and I hope, some fond memories of adventures taken, journeys navigated, and some weird crap that may have made sense at the time, but in retrospect were probably NOT good ideas.

I'm also reminded of the overriding feeling of sadness I felt as a young boy when my paternal grandfather passed away. I was sad because my grandpa was gone, but I was more sad because in all the time we spent watching baseball on TV together I never got to know him better. I never asked him many questions about "the good old days". I'd give just about anything now to be able to sit and chat with him. Although I say chat, age has confirmed for me the old adage, you have 2 ears and 1 mouth, so you should listen twice as much as you talk, so, if I had the opportunity now, I'd talk enough to get grandpa started then sit back and listen.

I think I did a decent job of that with my mother in law who passed away this past fall. She was a huge Twins fan and we sat and watched a lot of games this past season. She was not big on talking about herself, but over the course of about 150 games we spent a lot of time talking and laughing (I think she was convinced her daughter married a mentally retarded man as she usually ended up laughing more AT me as I told her my stories), we spent time cheering, we spent time questioning the manager, but most importantly, we spent time TOGETHER.

So, come along if you wish. Enjoy the pictures. Read the stories. This is my attempt at leaving a digital legacy. The short, fat kid, embracing technology?

Who knew?


  1. Who Knew........Someone from Lincoln could write!
    Da Bear

  2. Bear,
    Write? Yes.
    Write well? Remains to be seen.
